Business Opportunities
Are you fed up with working for other people? Do you long to put your energy into something that will give you greater job satisfaction? Would you like to earn more money?
The truth is you'd like to start your own business, but you're not sure what sort of business you can do within the skydiving industry, or not sure how to go about it. It's a familiar problem, and the first stage to solve this, is almost certainly to ask yourself the following questions:
Consider your skills carefully and consider what you like doing and what you're good at. The most successful businesses are run by people who have a real flair and passion for what they are doing. If you've got an interest in skydiving then there's almost certainly a way you can make money from it. However, what you earn will depend mainly on how you plan and prepare your business plan. You must be very strict about what your skydiving skills are and how you can use them effectively
List all your none skydiving skills along side your skydiving skills and grade them with how strong or weak you are.
How do you feel about risk? Silly question to ask a skydiver but financial risks need different considerations.
Skydiving is a very risky business and a lot of skydivers have dabbled in business, many have tried to make it a career yet only a small percentage meet their goals
How much money can you raise? It may be that you have cash available to start your business and you won't need to think about funding. The majority of skydiving businesses are started on a shoestring and this may be why so many fail. Your financial plan is crucial and going into business without having a well prepared financial plan is like skydiving without a reserve, you shouldn't do it.
How free are you? What sort of responsibilities do you have? Are you young, free and single; if so you obviously have more time and energy to devote to your business. On the other hand, if you have a family or someone else to look after, then this may affect the amount of time and energy you have. If you're in a demanding job, and intend to start your business part time, this will also influence what you should do. There are of course many other questions and that's why a business plan is crucial if you truly want to succeed. You may need to subsidise your skydiving business with another skill until you've completed an important qualification to move further in your business plan. Preparation and good advise is without doubt the key to succeeding, so think carefully, plan properly and time your start date well.
Whether you're a new business or an established business, the business plan has proven itself to be a valuable tool. Don't assume that a business plan is only necessary if you require funding.
A good business plan enables the company to develop, and survive difficult times. It's a tool that will help you throughout the life of your business, so you can continually analyse every aspect of your business, to ensure success.
If you want a start up loan or an investor, then a well written financial plan will be a key part of your business plan.