This is an examination period to qualify Advanced Riggers up to Rigger Examiner status
The course is held over a period of 13 days – 4 days attending an Advanced Packer course, 5 days attending a method one Basic Rigger course and 4 days attending a Parachute Rigger course.
• 2 Rigger examiners per course from different establishments
• Must be a full BPA member
• Must have been an Advanced Rigger for at least 2 years
• Must have attended a “methods of instruction” lecture on a BPA instructors
course or can demonstrate good instructional experience and background
• Recommended by a rigger examiner who has known the candidate for at least
6 months
NB. Candidates’ instructional ability will be thoroughly tested during this examination phase
• Instruct in at least 4 lessons
• Demonstrate a reserve repack to candidates
• Coach candidates as required
• Complete training records
• Recommend any changes in the course to the Examiners
• Instruct in at least 4 lessons
• Be able to give all lectures from the basic rigger course syllabus
• Assist examiners as necessary
• Coach basic riggers as required
• Recommend any changes in the course to the examiners
• Assist examiners with the course planning and preparation
• Check each candidates course work
• Check each candidates submission of previous work
• Mark all candidates training records with the assistance of the examiners
• Complete a course report
• Debrief candidates
• Recommend any changes in the course to the examiners
• Present 25 questions for the BPA rigging exam question pool
• Present a paper on an advanced aspect of rigging work
• Those wishing to run a rigging course must apply to the riggers committee
for permission, giving details of facilities etc.
• BPA form 237 lists the BPA rigging loft minimum criteria to be met
All rigger examiners are required to submit course reports to the BPA office and the riggers committee for any rigging courses that they run. These will detail the type of course, candidates and examiners attending and candidates’ performance.
• Rigger examiners must have their BPA membership card endorsed, to be renewed
each year with membership
• The renewal form will have to be signed by an rigger examiner who must be
satisfied that the RE is current and up to date with current practices, and
have attended at least 1 rigging course within 2 years.
• Rigger examiners who are unable to satisfy the course currency requirements
may request an ‘exemption’ from the riggers committee, by applying each year
with an explanation.