EnableCaptcha($captcha); //1. Add your email address here. //You can add more than one receipients. $formproc->AddRecipient('allan@skydive-safety.com'); //<<---Put your email address here //2. For better security. Get a random tring from this link: http://tinyurl.com/randstr // and put it here $formproc->SetFormRandomKey('1nfC8wroVWy3sTr'); $formproc->AddFileUploadField('photo','jpg,jpeg,gif,png,bmp',2024); $formproc->AddFileUploadField('photo2','jpg,jpeg,gif,png,bmp',2024); $formproc->AddFileUploadField('photo3','jpg,jpeg,gif,png,bmp',2024); $formproc->AddFileUploadField('resume','doc,docx,pdf,txt',2024); if(isset($_POST['submitted'])) { if($formproc->ProcessForm()) { $formproc->RedirectToURL("http://skydive-safety.com/Business-Consultation-Confirmation.htm"); } } ?>
Your request is confidential and your information will not be disclosed to a third party without your written permission. A professional business advisor, who has no interests in the skydiving industry, will contact you to discuss your needs.
The business advisor uses skydiving professionals to assist the support that he/she can provide, however, they will not disclose any information about your business plan and will only seek advise with your permission.